rcpch / national-paediatric-diabetes-audit

A django application to audit the care of children and young people with diabetes in England and Wales.
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Team discussion about permissions #134

Open dc2007git opened 1 week ago

dc2007git commented 1 week ago

[ discussion with @eatyourpeas @anchit-chandran @mbarton @AmaniKrayemRCPCH @cillian-rcpch ]

@AmaniKrayemRCPCH here is the schematic we have at the moment for NPDA permissions:


And here is some notes on what we discussed:

Feel free to expand / add anything on this below!

mbarton commented 1 week ago

Lead clinician = administrator

From the discussion in the meeting perhaps we avoid using the word administrator at all since we can't tell out of context whether it's a software admin who can do everything or a clinical admin who can only do a limited amount within some given organisations.

For software admin superuser is probably fine (I think we already use that for E12?). For the latter I'm not sure what word would work that isn't administrator.

dc2007git commented 1 week ago

clinical admin

Great point - superuser makes sense for software, but otherwise clinical administrator I think is cleaner, even though it's confusing. Maybe clinical coordinator?

mbarton commented 1 week ago

Ah true just coordinator sounds good.

Overall keeping the names as general as possible and reflecting what that user can do rather than who they are will help us avoid painting ourselves into a corner in the future.

AmaniKrayemRCPCH commented 1 week ago

Current user groups on Netsolving are:

Keeping this terminology would be my preference, as it reflects what the user can do (as @mbarton noted above). Happy to change administrator to coordinator to avoid confusion.

As for the permissions table: Only RCPCH staff should be able to delete a patient or a visit. Data entry permissions are identical for administrators (coordinators) and editors. Only difference between the two is being able to add/edit/delete users.

It isn't often that we're asked to delete patients/visits, especially as the majority work with CSV uploads and they'll overwrite incorrect visits anyway.

dc2007git commented 1 week ago

@AmaniKrayemRCPCH thanks for the update - not sure I fully understand how this will integrate with roles. Are we saying we don't want to have clinician/ lead clinician / administrator anymore and simply allocate users either Coordinator / Editor / Reader?

How would this also work with updating patient information, for example Patient Visit data?

Additionally, should the editors be able to read patient data at all, if they have the permission to edit (which is arguably higher in scope)?

What would be really useful is if we had a matrix similar to the one above, explicitly detailing each permission (specifically create, view, update, delete) for each user group and each model (User, Visit, Patient, Site)

AmaniKrayemRCPCH commented 5 days ago

Apologies for the confusion! Here's the updated permissions table. I hope this clears things up, but let me know if there's any questions.

Group Model View Change Delete Create
Administrator Patient X X - X
Editor Patient X X - X
Reader Patient X - - -
RCPCH Audit Team Patient X X X X
Administrator Visit X X - X
Editor Visit X X - X
Reader Visit X - - -
RCPCH Audit Team Visit X X X X
Administrator User X X X X
Editor User X - - -
Reader User X - - -
RCPCH Audit Team User X X X X
Administrator Site - - - -
Editor Site - - - -
Reader Site X - - -
RCPCH Audit Team Site X X X X