Running development now gives a warning that migrations need to be generated:
django-1 | Your models in app(s): 'epilepsy12' have changes that are not yet reflected in a migration, and so won't be applied.
django-1 | Run ' makemigrations' to make new migrations, and then re-run ' migrate' to apply them.
Alter field paediatrician_with_expertise_in_epilepsies on kpi
Alter field school_individual_healthcare_plan on kpi
Alter field tertiary_input on kpi
As they are all labelling changes it should be straight forward to commit the generated migration file and have it automatically applied the next time each instance starts
Fixes #1032
now gives a warning that migrations need to be generated:Running
docker compose exec django python makemigrations
:Here are the associated PRs for each change:
As they are all labelling changes it should be straight forward to commit the generated migration file and have it automatically applied the next time each instance starts