have flow and a script that finds the autocorrelate mod, need to write an autocorrelate segmenter such that the file is divided into peaks as the divider, then figure out a way to phase shift 90 degrees right and then silence the first frame. @ruohoruotsi , you are welcome here! Affected modules: d_interval (new), e_seg, e_seg2(proposed if needed), f_sort, f_sort2 (if needed, hopefully not)
have flow and a script that finds the autocorrelate mod, need to write an autocorrelate segmenter such that the file is divided into peaks as the divider, then figure out a way to phase shift 90 degrees right and then silence the first frame. @ruohoruotsi , you are welcome here! Affected modules: d_interval (new), e_seg, e_seg2(proposed if needed), f_sort, f_sort2 (if needed, hopefully not)