the graph is confusing, since it is by sample size, so smaller size = higher freq. should reset the graph to use log freq and notes instead of this. also, it seems like all clicks may return the same number.
Adjust main note / central frequency
1. KEEP current target at D#7+49 / 2560.00Hz / 77 samples.
ENTER or 1 to keep the current central frequency.
2. Set to the MODE (D#7+49 / 2560.00Hz / 75 samples)
Reasonable choice if you are not sure.
3. Open the graph to select VISUALLY.
Use this to get a better understanding if your results are off.
4. Enter a frequency in Hz or a musical note (e.g., A4, C#3)
Use if you know the note or frequency
and here:
Accepted current tolerance: +/-50.0%
Adjust main note / central frequency
KEEP current target at D#7+49 / 2560.00Hz / 75 samples.
ENTER or 1 to keep the current central frequency.
Set to the MODE (D#7+49 / 2560.00Hz / 75 samples)
Reasonable choice if you are not sure.
Open the graph to select VISUALLY.
Use this to get a better understanding if your results are off.
Enter a frequency in Hz or a musical note (e.g., A4, C#3)
Use if you know the note or frequency
Your choice: 3
Set visually to (D#7+49 / 75 samples).
Valid segment range within +/-50.0% tolerance: 306 to 918 samples.
Number of attack segments.............................. 3 (2 < tolerance < 1)
Number of normal segments.............................. 68 (68 < 0 exactly 612 samples < 0)
Number of deviant segments............................. 83 (56 < tolerance < 27)
Total number of wavetable segments (all)............... 154
Do you want to accept all current settings? (Y/n):
the graph is confusing, since it is by sample size, so smaller size = higher freq. should reset the graph to use log freq and notes instead of this. also, it seems like all clicks may return the same number.
Accepted current tolerance: +/-50.0%
Adjust main note / central frequency
Valid segment range within +/-50.0% tolerance: 306 to 918 samples. Number of attack segments.............................. 3 (2 < tolerance < 1) Number of normal segments.............................. 68 (68 < 0 exactly 612 samples < 0) Number of deviant segments............................. 83 (56 < tolerance < 27)
Do you want to accept all current settings? (Y/n):