rcrowe / Raven

Send to Sentry in the background
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An error submitting to Sentry is not handled gracefully #16

Open ThomasRedstone opened 10 years ago

ThomasRedstone commented 10 years ago

I'm having some trouble with unreliable network at the moment, and got the following error:

Error in exception handler: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: app.getsentry.com in /vagrant/baycrazy-code/vendor/guzzlehttp/guzzle/src/Event/RequestEvents.php:114

Obviously things aren't going to go well with an inability to look up domains, but it would be great if it were handled, I wasn't certain if this was an issue for this Raven package, or the upstream Raven client.

tremby commented 9 years ago

This is linked in part to #14