rcxking / wpi_sample_return_robot_challenge

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute WPI Sample Return Robot Challenge 2014 entry.
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Open jedediyah opened 10 years ago

jedediyah commented 10 years ago

SLAM in ROS using Kinect and/or an additional camera for longer range vision.

wmacaluso commented 10 years ago

Brayden and I have been researching this, and here is what I have found so far:

I'm still looking for good SLAM package in ROS designed for stereo cameras. Here are a few candidates:

Here are a list of popular papers outlining stereo vision SLAM:

They all follow this general idea:

  1. We take a stereo image pair (li_1 and ri_1) at time t1, and another stereo image pair (li_2, ri_2) at time t2. These will have associated point clouds p1 and p2.
  2. Find keypoint matches using SIFT between li_1 and li_2, as well as between ri_1 and ri_2. These matches may have corresponding points in p1 and p2 - discard matches that have no associated point in the point clouds.
  3. We now have matches between points in point clouds p1 and p2 - all we need to do is perform a rigid transformation that aligns the matches (Iterative Closest Point might work)
  4. Once we have this transformation, we can combine the two point clouds into a single global model.
wmacaluso commented 10 years ago

Please see the wiki page for SLAM, i will post further info on that page

lis12 commented 10 years ago

Moving husky function has been added. You need to add a GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH variable to your bashrc file. So don't panic if you cannot run the gazebo world ;) I will update the wiki tomorrow