rd-alliance / metadata-directory

Prototype metadata directory for the Research Data Alliance:
MIT License
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Add NeXus standard #40

Closed alex-ball closed 8 years ago

alex-ball commented 9 years ago

Category: Physical Science

Link: Website

Description: NeXus is an international standard for the storage and exchange of neutron, x-ray, and muon spin resonance data. The structure of NeXus files is extremely flexible, allowing the storage of both simple data sets, such as a single data array and its axes, and highly complex data and their associated metadata, such as measurements on a multi-component instrument or numerical simulations. NeXus has a simple API that allows the reading and writing of data in HDF or XML.

(While properly a data format, the NXentry-class groups "contain all the data that is required to describe an experimental run or scan" so this probably counts as metadata.)