rdanaemtz / APPdev

Lifetime is an app designed to allow users to record and reflect on events, moods, and thoughts throughout their every day lives in the form of daily journal reflections.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Journal Entry CRUD html #28

Open rdanaemtz opened 1 year ago

rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago

Work in Progress

rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


Not pulling Info

11/28 still couldn't figure out data fill issue. Will be attending office hours on Wednesday

rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


Can't delete entry

rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago

Work in Progress

Still working on data fill (updateentry-one and deleteentry-one) errors. Will be in contact with instructor to troubleshoot

rdanaemtz commented 1 year ago


New attempt to restart: issue still present