rdbartram / PSSpotify

Module to allow control of spotify by means of Spotify Web API
MIT License
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Connect-Spotify Unable to Redirect #5

Open backlash52 opened 6 years ago

backlash52 commented 6 years ago

Hi there, love your code and gave it my best shot combing it through it to see the error. It looks like it may not be passing any properties correctly the the redirect URI under the Connect-Spotify process. As a result im getting bad page requests after submitting my username and password. It never shows the auth screen for me to confirm it can have access and there never connects and/or gets a token. let me know if im doing anything wrong.

Also, i noticed the strings file the system is pulling from and referencing is empty. not sure if that's intentional or not.

rdbartram commented 6 years ago

Hey Backlash,

It should be working fine. The RedirectURI is defaulted to https://localhost:8001, so make sure that is set in your Spotify dev portal. Of course you can use your own if you wish.

FYI, I just made a massive update to the code base before a conference at expertslive. A lot of updates you might like.