Comment by @mjanssen2308 : The effect of atmospheric seeing and wind at the telescope causes amplitude drops on short timescales as the source moves wrt the telescope beam. Right now, we do that by setting the pointing_time_per_mispoint to the average coherence time. At the same time, we keep overall antenna miss-pointing amplitude losses. We compute these once every N scans (~5) ad let them deteriorate by 10% every scan to simulate closely what happens in real observations and we apply them to the gain_real errors.
Comment by @mjanssen2308 : The effect of atmospheric seeing and wind at the telescope causes amplitude drops on short timescales as the source moves wrt the telescope beam. Right now, we do that by setting the pointing_time_per_mispoint to the average coherence time. At the same time, we keep overall antenna miss-pointing amplitude losses. We compute these once every N scans (~5) ad let them deteriorate by 10% every scan to simulate closely what happens in real observations and we apply them to the gain_real errors.