rdegges / flask-dynamo

DynamoDB integration for Flask.
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Creation error handling #15

Closed Seraf closed 8 years ago

Seraf commented 8 years ago


I added few things in this PR:

with application.app_context():

This created my tables the first time, then raise an error the next times. I need to let the creation occurs at each launch if they aren't exist. The problem with the actual code is if I want to modify the throughput of my table, there's no automagical modification and if I add a table, the first exception will exit the loop without creating the other tables.

So I modified the behavior of the create function : it will try to create a new table. If it fails, it will try an update on it. If the fields remains the same, Dynamodb API will raise a 400 error which is catched and add the table name to a list of failed tables. It will continue to create/update other tables and will raise a custom exception named : DynamoTableError at the end of the loop if there's failed tables.

On my main code I can now use :

with application.app_context():
    except DynamodbTableError as e:

What do you think about it ?

Thanks for your work

rdegges commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the awesome PR!

So, some feedback for this: I'm not a fan of overloading the create_all method, to have it do updating as well. My reasoning is that it's sorta useful to just have a creation thing to create basic tables and ensure they exist, as well as have a way to destroy all tables (the destroy_all method).

What if you modified your PR to do the following?

What do you think?

Seraf commented 8 years ago

Hello @rdegges,

Thanks for the answer. I understand your point of view and I think you are right. I was just testing/playing with Dynamodb, and have no more time to work it as it was just a proof of concept. Just to let you know, I finished to play with flywheel library which does more what I was looking for.

Anyway, thanks for your work, working on this PR let me understand how the Dynamodb was working :)


rdegges commented 8 years ago

Thank you, that makes sense. I appreciate the contribution regardless! I'll get this in there myself when I get some time. =)