rdeits / MeshCat.jl

WebGL-based 3D visualizer in Julia
MIT License
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Better Camera animation example #193

Open bjack205 opened 3 years ago

bjack205 commented 3 years ago

Can you add a better example/test that does something more meaningful with the camera controls? Every time I play around with the camera it doesn't quite make sense to me. Ideally one would like to independently control both the location of the camera and the center of focus of the camera (so you could follow a moving object).

For example, let's say I have a humanoid robot walking around. How would I move the camera so that it always looks at the robot from the side, even if it turns, flips, etc?

Also, is there a way to read off the current camera parameters? Say for example, I find a nice view of my scene using the mouse to pan/tilt/zoom, is there a way to extract the values so I can do it programatically?

Related to https://github.com/rdeits/MeshCat.jl/issues/116

ferrolho commented 1 year ago

Some documentation regarding camera control can be found here: https://github.com/ferrolho/meshcat#camera-control