rdeits / MeshCat.jl

WebGL-based 3D visualizer in Julia
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Understand why the GitHub CI Windows runner started failing all of a sudden #236

Closed ferrolho closed 1 year ago

ferrolho commented 1 year ago

Despite corresponding to the same commit, these two pipeline jobs have different outcomes on the Windows runner:

For now, I will disable this Windows runner.

rdeits commented 1 year ago

They did get slightly different package resolutions (e.g. Adapt 3.6.1 vs. Adapt 3.6.2. I don't think Adapt.jl is actually the issue, but maybe some other dependency also changed versions in the time between those runs? The root cause is missing 7z.exe, which I remember seeing on Windows before.

I think the root cause is that I'm using BinDeps.unpack_cmd. BinDeps.jl is ancient (last release was 3 years ago). I'm sure there's a better way to unpack a .tar file in Julia in 2023.