rdela / eleventeen

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Tag and or category RSS feeds. #46

Open rkingett opened 2 weeks ago

rkingett commented 2 weeks ago

I left this on the Base Blog too, but if other people are using this theme/starter/project, the below could be fantastic built into the project itself!

This started from this post in the Fediverse where I asked the general public how to make every tag/category have it's own RSS feed. The Eleventy folks suggested this, and I agree. I think it would be good for others as well.


For an example of this behavior, visit any ClassicPress or Wordpress website. Post categories and post tags have their own RSS feeds.

rdela commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you Robert! This is a very cool idea. It may be a little ambitious for eleventeen at the moment, but I will keep it in mind and update you here if I make any progress. If you (or anyone reading) feel like giving it a go sooner than that, I will help as much as I can with any spare time I have.