rdelrosario / xamarin-plugins

Cross platform Xamarin & Windows plugins for PCLs
MIT License
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Pre 1.2.5-beta Xamarin.Forms problem with dependencies on Xamarin.Android.Support.v4 >= 25.1.1 #119

Open lecnierfreeman opened 7 years ago

lecnierfreeman commented 7 years ago

Currently Xamarin.Forms projects only support version 23.3.0 for Android libraries:

New -pre version 1.2.5 beta has dependencies on higher versions not compatibles with Xamarin.Forms projects, making impossible to try this version and check if it fix the null bundle error.

benevbright commented 7 years ago

same here.

There is no Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.measurement 42.1001 but when I try to update GCM 42.1001, it requires Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.measurement 42.1001.

So, I can't update this nuget to 1.2.5-beta

pboisso commented 6 years ago

Having the same issue here. Any plan to support latest version of GooglePlayServices by this plugin?

rdelrosario commented 6 years ago

I will actually be releasing a new refactored version of this plugin based on my work with: https://github.com/CrossGeeks/FirebasePushNotificationPlugin

That one is firebase dependant on iOS and Android. But planning to make a new version of it that on iOS doesn't depend of firebase. You can try using that one meanwhile.

pboisso commented 6 years ago

Well, our backend still uses and send GCM messages payload (through SNS), so this plugin was much more appropriate for our need. Is this a big task to fix this plugin to support 42.x? Or what would be the lowest version that could use? Nuget package says 25+, but the breaking changes in 42 does not let it link properly.