rdelrosario / xamarin-plugins

Cross platform Xamarin & Windows plugins for PCLs
MIT License
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Would love to see the DeviceMotion plugin match the same naming convention as Compass and GeoLocator #63

Open ericleigh007 opened 8 years ago

ericleigh007 commented 8 years ago

It seems this plugin doesn't match the "convention" for putting plugins in the Plugin.'PluginName' namespace. I see this was done for a sec, but then reverted. Hopefully the problem can be corrected. -thanks -e

dimitrijevic commented 7 years ago

If I ever get my own UWP demo app working in release mode that uses oxyplot xamarin too, I'll put that back myself as a V2 pull request, it's just it should contain more, like using sensor fusion too (anyone with Xamarin.Android and Xamarin.iOS experience in that willing to join, I'd love to work on Windows side mostly)... p.s. anyone got experience with contacting .NET native compiler team, do they answer emails or twitter, I need help figuring out what produces the errors that seem to come down even to Microsoft's V2 native sensor DLLs in release mode...it works fine for UWP apps in debug mode though...showing xamarin oxyplot charts fine without sensor errors? EDIT - They do answer :D turned out sensor errors were benign, they just specify that the 'desktop' class sensor doesn't support some modes, some batch stuff done so that only appears in release...

dimitrijevic commented 7 years ago

As promised...will this suffice? It's using Plugin.DeviceMotion, hopefully that's 'convenient'... I'd like to get some more input before doing a pull request for @rdelrosario on how to include fusion sensor devices and even which, since on windows there's three Inclinometer (available in 2.0.0-gamma as MotionSensorType.Fusion), Orientation and SimpleOrientation (and I'm unsure which of those are also supported on iOS and Android - would love to at least get their names - or find a naming convention that includes them all, so as not to make one up, if the names are different)... If anyone's experienced with reading fusion sensors on platforms other than Windows it'd be great to maybe contact me and we could do a public fork to include all of those readings prior to doing a pull request here then.