rdelrosario / xamarin-plugins

Cross platform Xamarin & Windows plugins for PCLs
MIT License
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Set Title and Text Complex JObject #74

Closed leo-mck closed 7 years ago

leo-mck commented 7 years ago

Hi, thank you for your amazing work! I receive an object like this from the server:

{{ "to": "xyz", "notification": { "title": "my title", "body": "body text" }, "collapse_key": "do_not_collapse" }}

I tried to configure like this: CrossPushNotification.NotificationContentTitleKey = "title"; and like this: CrossPushNotification.NotificationContentTitleKey = "notification.title"; but neither work. Is it possible or should I simplify my JObject?

rdelrosario commented 7 years ago

Set NotificationContentDataKey to "notification"