rdemoparty / stardust

2D sidescroller
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Editor bugs #16

Open pwliquid opened 9 years ago

pwliquid commented 9 years ago

List of editor bugs (build 20):

benishor commented 9 years ago

Here are some comments on some of the tackled points:

1 - fixed 2 - works for me on linux using both builds (linux native and windows cross build). I wonder what's happening. Can you perhaps try on some other machine with a new build? 3 - we have sound/music in game preview? that's strange 'cause it shouldn't and I don't seem to have 4 - known issue, I'm working on it 5 - it's a good suggestion. I'll try and see if I can implement it

Thanks brosky!

benishor commented 9 years ago

Correction for 2: the windows build doesn't seem to raise the window each time. I'll investigate this further. Sounds like some SDL issue.

pwliquid commented 9 years ago

1 - not fixed, I still get the sprites on the canvas over the various tool windows I'm not shouting, I just made these bold to make the comments below them easier to distinguish ;-)
3 - some more notes on the sound issue (see top post for previous info): For testing purposes I used "level6.json" (which I sent you via email on 22apr2015). When I hit the preview button in the editor, the game preview starts with the sound "Enemy ships detected ahead" and the "humming" is playing in the background (file is called "menu3.ogg"). If I rush with my ship ahead and pick up the spinning rocket, the song changes to Mistia's track (file name "main.ogg"). Both these files are located in the \data\ directory (including in Build 21). I'm guessing this is some left-over stuff from when we tested the sounds and we kinda forgot about it.
6 - player can commit suicide - ! new issue, should I put it into the 1st post instead of here, yes? Probably shouldn't be listed here at all, since it's a thing of scripting, I guess, but the player can suicide if he drives into his own lasers. To reproduce this you have to shoot the lasers constantly and then move forward. The ship can overtake the lasers/collide with them, causing death.

Not an issue but a suggestion (if you think it's not too much trouble to keep track of it...). I sometimes forget which editor build I'm testing. Should there be a version number listed in the editor as well? I understand if it's too much of a hassle to keep manually changing the motherfucker number, so I get it if no. :-) Now that I think of it... I probably should always test the LAST build anyway, right?

benishor commented 8 years ago

Player shouldn't be able to commit suicide anymore :) This was fixed in commit ca914d8 and referenced by issue #23