rdfjs / N3.js

Lightning fast, spec-compatible, streaming RDF for JavaScript
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Does not parse RDF lists with RDF-star triples #272

Open RubenVerborgh opened 2 years ago

RubenVerborgh commented 2 years ago


Reported by @uvdsl

jeswr commented 2 years ago

Note that this case is covered by https://w3c.github.io/rdf-star/tests/turtle/syntax/#turtle-star-inside-2 in the RDF-star spec; so this will be resolved once all RDF-star spec tests are passing.

TallTed commented 2 years ago

@jeswr — Please note that although RDF* and RDF-star are pronounced the same, they are radically different in meaning. RDF* was an early experimental draft of what has evolved (for many reasons) into the currently drafted and reported (and heading toward proposed WG) RDF-star. While you may already know this, others reading your writing may not, and confusion is likely if the old names continue to be used instead of the new.

jeswr commented 2 years ago

Ahh that distinction had slipped by me. Thanks for the clarification & I'll try to be more consistent from here on 😀