rdfjs / N3.js

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FILTER on langString literals does not work #321

Closed gvanderh closed 1 year ago

gvanderh commented 1 year ago
// add a quad with a language string
const store = new N3.Store();
store.addQuad(namedNode('http://ex.com/s'), namedNode('http://ex.com/p'), literal('abc', 'en'));

// query it using SPARQL with a FILTER
const eng = new comunica.QueryEngine();
const bindings = await eng.queryBindings('SELECT ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. FILTER(?o = "abc"@en) }', { sources: [ store ] });

Any FILTER on ?o in the example fails (with or without language string, = or !=).

jeswr commented 1 year ago

This looks like an issue with Comunica rather than N3.js so I suggest you open this issue over there.

When you do so could you please also elaborate on how it fails (does it miss results, include unexpected results, or does it crash - and if so what is the log when it crashes).

// @rubensworks

gvanderh commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your response. Forwarded to https://github.com/comunica/comunica/issues/1146.