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current state of UI + semantic web #5

Open shnydercom opened 3 years ago

shnydercom commented 3 years ago

Hi, I found this group while looking for projects that approach semantic web from the UI side. Is the list still kind of up-to-date or are there new developments in this direction?

koo5 commented 3 years ago

i'm experimenting here: https://github.com/koo5/QuadLad/tree/master/src and i keep another list too... it's nice to learn about your project(s), wanna skype sometime?

shnydercom commented 3 years ago

That looks interesting! I haven't seen many svelte projects yet, if I see that correctly you're approaching it from the data-side? Would be great to have a skype call, when is it good for you?

I've tried to tackle it from the design/UX - side, trying to create an editor similar to node-red or blender's node editor. My main User Research findings so far:

koo5 commented 3 years ago

evenings are usually best. Could you ping me here please: https://discord.gg/2WHmTtM8 i'm also starting an etherpad: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/rdfui let's try to arrive at some shared vocabulary:)