generateCompliantConfig (boolean, OPTIONAL).
When set BundleGen will generate the DobbyPluginLauncher hooks (if any plugins are used).
This will also set "ociVersion" to "1.0.2" and not "1.0.2-dobby" so that Dobby does not generate these hooks.
hookLauncherExecutablePath (string, OPTIONAL, only used when generateCompliantConfig is true).
Path to the DobbyPluginLauncher binary on the target host. Defaults to "/usr/bin/DobbyPluginLauncher"
hookLauncherParametersPath (string, REQUIRED if generateCompliantConfig is true).
Path in the host that will contain the config.json of the container. It can include the {id} parameter
which will be replaced by the id of the app as indicated in the app metadata. For example "/somewhere/{id}"
generateCompliantConfig (boolean, OPTIONAL). When set BundleGen will generate the DobbyPluginLauncher hooks (if any plugins are used). This will also set "ociVersion" to "1.0.2" and not "1.0.2-dobby" so that Dobby does not generate these hooks.
hookLauncherExecutablePath (string, OPTIONAL, only used when generateCompliantConfig is true). Path to the DobbyPluginLauncher binary on the target host. Defaults to "/usr/bin/DobbyPluginLauncher"
hookLauncherParametersPath (string, REQUIRED if generateCompliantConfig is true). Path in the host that will contain the config.json of the container. It can include the {id} parameter which will be replaced by the id of the app as indicated in the app metadata. For example "/somewhere/{id}"