rdleal / go-async

Async utilities for Golang
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Optimize code to send multiple payload #3

Open sujit-baniya opened 3 years ago

sujit-baniya commented 3 years ago


Currently when sending multiple payload in async.Auto mode, for each payload, I need to create async.Auto. So trying to understand if there's any way we could do something like this.

auto, _ := sync.Auth(context.Background(), async.FuncMap{...}, Option...)
result, _ := auto.Process("Argument)
sujit-baniya commented 3 years ago

Need some hint if you can

type AutoConfig struct {
    Context context.Context
    FuncMap FuncMap
    Options []Option

type Auto struct {
    ctx         context.Context
    processor   func(nodec <-chan *node, wg *sync.WaitGroup, fnc chan<- FuncResult)
    fm          FuncMap
    opts        *Options
    concurrency int
    ctxErrc     <-chan error

func (auto *Auto) Process(in interface{}) (<-chan FuncResult, error) {
    graph, err := funcsGraph(auto.fm, []interface{}{in})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    nodec, err := genSortedNodes(graph)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    numGoroutines := goroutines(auto.opts, len(auto.fm))
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    fnc := make(chan FuncResult, len(auto.fm))
    for i := 0; i < numGoroutines; i++ {
        go auto.processor(nodec, &wg, fnc)

    go func() {

        select {
        case err := <-auto.ctxErrc:
            fnc <- FuncResult{err: err}


    return fnc, nil

func New(cfg AutoConfig) *Auto {
    auto := &Auto{
        ctx:  cfg.Context,
        opts: newOptions(cfg.Options...),
        fm:   cfg.FuncMap,

    ctxErrc, notifyErrOnce := ctxErr()
    auto.ctxErrc = ctxErrc
    auto.processor = func(nodec <-chan *node, wg *sync.WaitGroup, fnc chan<- FuncResult) {
        defer wg.Done()

        atomic.AddInt32(&goroutinesCount, +1)

        for node := range nodec {
            select {
            case <-auto.ctx.Done():

            execNodeFunc(auto.ctx, node, fnc, notifyErrOnce)
    return auto

Above is working fine with this:

const jsonStr = `{"greet": "hello", "name" : "gopher"}`
    config := async.AutoConfig{
        Context: context.Background(),
        FuncMap: async.FuncMap{
            "reader":  strings.NewReader,
            "decoder": async.DependsOn("reader").To(json.NewDecoder),
            "parser": async.DependsOn("decoder").To(func(d *json.Decoder) (msg, error) {
                var m msg
                err := d.Decode(&m)
                return m, err
            "greet": async.DependsOn("parser").To(func(m msg) string {
                return strings.Title(m.Greet)
            "name": async.DependsOn("parser").To(func(m msg) string {
                return strings.Title(m.Name)
            "greeter": async.DependsOn("greet", "name").To(func(greet, name string) string {
                return fmt.Sprintf("%s, %s!", greet, name)
    auto := async.New(config)
    fnc, err := auto.Process(jsonStr)
    if err != nil {

    for fn := range fnc {
        res, err := fn.Returned()
        if err != nil {
        fmt.Println(res[0]) // Hello, Gopher!

Can you please suggest how can I move these two process from Process to NewAuto function

graph, err := funcsGraph(auto.fm, []interface{}{in})
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    nodec, err := genSortedNodes(graph)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
rdleal commented 3 years ago

@sujit-baniya sorry for the (almost a month) late response.

I don't know if I got what you mean by moving the graph and its sorting algorithm to NewAuto. The NewAuto is a custom constructor you're creating?

sujit-baniya commented 3 years ago

Hi @rdleal Thank god you saw issue :)

Currently different inputs, the tool requires to create new graph for each input. This might cause some problem in performance. In ideal scenario,

as a user, I would create a graph once and run it through multiple inputs as required.

I've implemented it in a way I wanted but not sure if it's the best way to do it.


rdleal commented 3 years ago

It seems you created a sort of cache of the graph in the initialNode attribute of the Auto struct. Did that modification addressed your performance issue?

sujit-baniya commented 3 years ago

Yes. At least I don't need to create graph for each input :) Maybe you could suggest any other better way to do the same

rdleal commented 3 years ago

Nice! Firstly thanks for using the code as a reference for solving your problem.

You brought a nice use case for improving the performance of the package like calling Auto multiple times with the same graph. Caching the graph is a good solution!

Do you have some benchmarks about the performance hit?

I'll write some benchmarks myself in order to check the performance hit and figure out a way to solve them in the package.

sujit-baniya commented 3 years ago

@rdleal not much difference

cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz
BenchmarkCachedFlow-12             33320             35259 ns/op
BenchmarkNonCachedFlow-12          30145             40004 ns/op
ok     3.994s