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Updateing a section via REST API is not possible/works unexpected/gives no error. - same for other data types. #1116

Closed jannefleischer closed 3 weeks ago

jannefleischer commented 1 month ago

Description / Beschreibung

I am trying to create (and constantly updating while processing) new catalogs to my rdmo instance. I am using rdmo-client for this, though I think the issue is with API not the client, so I file this here.

I do have a section created like this (created with rdmo_client, so initial creation does work):

{'catalogs': [1],
 'comment': '',
 'editors': [],
 'id': 1,
 'locked': False,
 'model': 'questions.section',
 'pages': [{'order': 1, 'page': 1}],
 'read_only': False,
 'title': 'Allgemein',
 'title_de': 'Allgemein',
 'title_en': 'Allgemein',
 'uri': 'https://rdmo.ils-geomonitoring.de/instance/questions/allgemein',
 'uri_path': 'allgemein',
 'uri_prefix': 'https://rdmo.ils-geomonitoring.de/instance',
 'warning': False}

I do have this data dict:

section_dict = {'catalogs': [4],
 'title_de': 'Allgemein',
 'title_en': 'Allgemein',
 'uri_path': 'allgemein',
 'uri_prefix': 'https://rdmo.ils-geomonitoring.de/instance'}

And once I send this with rdmo_client.update_section(section_dict) to my rdmo-deployment I retrieve an unchanged catalog json like before (with catalog 1).

Expected behaviour / Erwartetes Verhalten

I would expect that

At the moment the only thing I can do is guess whats wrong. And I need to compare old json with new json to find out that there is something not successfully updated. I do have the same issues when applying attributes, pages, questions, ...

Or do I do something wrong? How do I update an object? (with the ultimate goal to have a section in two or more catalogs)

Steps to reproduce / Schritte zum Reproduzieren

(see above)

Context / Kontext

References / Verweise


jannefleischer commented 1 month ago

I think handling the updating is done somewhere here: https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo/blob/065d195043b7ac34a7b6b3180dac69829a3974bc/rdmo/questions/viewsets.py#L120

Though not sure how!

jochenklar commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @jannefleischer , the problem is that you cannot set the catalog for a section. You need to set the sections for the catalog.

catalog = client.retrieve_catalog(1)
catalog['sections'] = catalog['sections'] + [{
    'section': 8,
    'order': 6

client.update_catalog(1, catalog)

Should work. This was changed for RDMO 2.0 (together with the introduction of the pages). The catalogs field in the section response is read_only (for display purposes).

I agree that there should be better error messaging, but right now I don't see how this should be implemented.

The were also multiple bugs with the client, I guess nobody used it to add/update stuff until now.

MyPyDavid commented 3 weeks ago

the client may be updated/generated with the schema from https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo/issues/698 afterwards

jannefleischer commented 3 weeks ago

@jochenklar: Well, this seem to work for questions, questionsets and pages, though not for sections and pages. I have this snippet:

section_obj = {
    "uri_prefix": self.uri_prefix,
    "uri_path": section_name_slugged,
    "title_en": section_name,
    "title_de": section_name
section = self.client.list_sections(
if len([x for x in self.catalog['sections'] if x['section']==section['id']])>0:
    self.display(Markdown('*The Section is already included in the catalog*'))
    raise Exception('The Section is already included in the Catalog')
    try: ordernumber = (self.catalog['sections'][-1]['order']+1)
    except: ordernumber = 1
    addendum_section = {'section': section['id'], 'order': ordernumber}
    self.display(self.catalog['sections'] + [addendum_section])
    oldcatalog = self.catalog.copy()
    self.catalog['sections'] = self.catalog['sections'] + [addendum_section]
    returnedcatalog = self.client.update_catalog(
    if self.debug:
        self.display(Markdown('**catalog updated with sections** (ID: ' +str(section['id'])+ ')'))
        raise Exception('debug raise')
catalog updated with sections (ID: 99)

<IPython.core.display.Markdown object>
{'catalogs': [],
 'comment': '',
 'editors': [],
 'id': 99,
 'locked': False,
 'model': 'questions.section',
 'pages': [],
 'read_only': False,
 'title': 'Allgemein',
 'title_de': 'Allgemein',
 'title_en': 'Allgemein',
 'uri': redacted/instance/questions/ua-ruhr-beratung-allgemein',
 'uri_path': 'ua-ruhr-beratung-allgemein',
 'uri_prefix': 'redacted/instance',
 'warning': False}
{'available': False,
 'comment': '',
 'editors': [],
 'groups': [],
 'help': '',
 'help_de': '',
 'help_en': '',
 'id': 17,
 'locked': False,
 'model': 'questions.catalog',
 'order': 0,
 'projects_count': 0,
 'read_only': False,
 'sections': [],
 'sites': [],
 'title': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_de': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_en': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'uri': 'redacted/instance/questions/catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_path': 'catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_prefix': 'redacted/instance',
 'warning': False}
{'available': False,
 'comment': '',
 'editors': [],
 'groups': [],
 'help': '',
 'help_de': '',
 'help_en': '',
 'id': 17,
 'locked': False,
 'model': 'questions.catalog',
 'order': 0,
 'projects_count': 0,
 'read_only': False,
 'sections': [{'order': 1, 'section': 99}],
 'sites': [],
 'title': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_de': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_en': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'uri': 'redacted/instance/questions/catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_path': 'catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_prefix': redacted/instance',
 'warning': False}
{'available': False,
 'comment': '',
 'editors': [],
 'groups': [],
 'help': '',
 'help_de': '',
 'help_en': '',
 'id': 17,
 'locked': False,
 'model': 'questions.catalog',
 'order': 0,
 'projects_count': 0,
 'read_only': False,
 'sections': [],
 'sites': [],
 'title': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_de': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'title_en': 'UA-Ruhr-Beratung',
 'uri': 'redacted/instance/questions/catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_path': 'catalog-ua-ruhr-beratung',
 'uri_prefix': 'redacted/instance',
 'warning': False}
jochenklar commented 3 weeks ago

This could be because of the bug I fixed in https://github.com/rdmorganiser/rdmo-client/commit/4ba05630eaf123f4cfce5299b414ae2eddca0f2d (and forgot to push). Please try again.

jannefleischer commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you, that did the job!