rdmtc / RedMatic

Node-RED packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic 🤹‍♂️
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Starting CCU program using mqtt topic #346

Open dagobert opened 4 years ago

dagobert commented 4 years ago

I am using the grow described in the help page https://github.com/rdmtc/RedMatic/wiki/Flow-MQTT to send everything to a mqtt broker. In return I am controlling my Homematic devices by sending mqtt topics. All that works fine.

I have not found a way to activate / start programs implemented in the CCU. Is there a way to do that? Same is with reading system variables.

Tscherno commented 4 years ago

Shouldn't be any issue. There are two nodes for that: program and sysvar grafik

Tscherno commented 4 years ago

BTW: Maybe you want to have a look to directly use the provided CCU nodes instead of MQTT. Could be more straightforwarded if you have some logic to implemented. Doing so completly in Nodered instead of splitting up makes it easier to understand and debug.

dagobert commented 4 years ago

Shouldn't be any issue. There are two nodes for that: program and sysvar grafik

How do I integrate this into the flow?

dagobert commented 4 years ago

BTW: Maybe you want to have a look to directly use the provided CCU nodes instead of MQTT. Could be more straightforwarded if you have some logic to implemented. Doing so completly in Nodered instead of splitting up makes it easier to understand and debug.

Thanks for this suggestion but I am using Home Assistant as my main automation central. Only basic functionally is implemented in the CCU.

Tscherno commented 4 years ago

Shouldn't be any issue. There are two nodes for that: program and sysvar grafik

How do I integrate this into the flow?

Drop it into your Flow (which should be triggered by a MQTT event in your case). Do the basic configuration for your CCU in the node options, select the program which should be triggered.

If you do your automations mainly in HA, it might make more sense if you connect your CCU to HA then and do it from there.

Many options...

hobbyquaker commented 4 years ago

The ccu mqtt node supports this ootb - see https://github.com/rdmtc/RedMatic/wiki/Flow-MQTT

dagobert commented 4 years ago

Drop it into your Flow (which should be triggered by a MQTT event in your case). Do the basic configuration for your CCU in the node options, select the program which should be triggered.

I will try that.

If you do your automations mainly in HA, it might make more sense if you connect your CCU to HA then and do it from there.

This is an option but not for everything. Only in the CCU I can send a command such as "turn on and than turn off after 30 minutes" as one single command to a switch. Also, a chain of Hm device - CCU - redmatic - mqtt server - ha automation - mqtt server - redmatic - CCU - hm device Is way too long and error prune for an important action. Hence, I am only program non-essential, very complicated automations and automations that effect devices of multiple types of platforms.

Many options...