rdmtc / RedMatic

Node-RED packaged as Addon for the Homematic CCU3 and RaspberryMatic 🤹‍♂️
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HmIP-BROLL-2 was not seen in the device list #582

Open julmer46 opened 8 months ago

julmer46 commented 8 months ago


the Homematic IP device was not seen in the list from the homematic Node. The HmIP-BROLL works.

tubit commented 7 months ago

Was there any solution to this? I just got a new HmIP-BROLL-2 and it is also not available in RedMatic. HmIP-BROLL however Works.

DamianosS commented 7 months ago

I don’t know. I switched to Shelly PM 2.5

ptweety commented 7 months ago

Since HmIP-BROLL-2 is (from its features) identical to HmIP-BROLL you can just copy the integration code and reuse it. ssh into your machine, navigate to the correct folder and include a new hmip-broll-2.js:

cd /usr/local/addons/redmatic/lib/node_modules/redmatic-homekit/homematic-devices
echo "module.exports = require('./hmip-broll');" > hmip-broll-2.js
tubit commented 7 months ago

Thanks @ptweety, I tried this already but without success.

After doing so, the device is listet in redmatic-homekit-homematic-devices, but no Channels are visible or available. :-/ Nothing in debug log for this.

ptweety commented 7 months ago

Ok, then let's check same facts:

tubit commented 7 months ago

Thanks for taking the time @ptweety, finally it worked. :)

Somehow after redoing this once more and also rebooting the whole raspberrymatic, it worked. Maybe just reloading / restarting nodeRed was not enough?

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-29 um 13 59 27 Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-29 um 13 59 33

The only difference I can Spot now is, that for BROLL-2 the channel is set to ":4" automatically but for the BROLL I have to set it.