rdoeffinger / Dictionary

"QuickDic" offline Dictionary App for Android. Provided downloadable dictionaries are based on Wiktionaries but can also be created from other sources (see DictionaryPC). Remember to use --recursive when cloning! Fork of project that used to be hosted at code.google.com/p/quickdic-dictionary.
Apache License 2.0
327 stars 69 forks source link

Show notification before unpacking downloaded file #126

Open cweiske opened 4 years ago

cweiske commented 4 years ago

QuickDic 5.5.1 hangs 5-10s when unpacking a dictionary file after downloading. It would be nice if a notification/toast would be shown directly before unpacking starts, because users would then see that something is happening.

Alternatively, unpacking could happen in a separate thread so the UI does not hang.