I would like this script to output nice ASCII formatted plot data via the 'dumb' terminal to STDOUT, but I can't find a way? In fact, it could also be nice to allow output of raw PNG, PS and PDF data to STDOUT.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'gnuplot'
require 'pp'
# options = {
# terminal: "png",
# title: "Title",
# xlabel: "X-axis",
# ylabel: "Y-axis",
# data_out: "foo.png"
# }
options = {
terminal: "dumb",
title: "Title",
xlabel: "X-axis",
ylabel: "Y-axis"
x = [0, 1, 2, 3]
y = [4, 5, 6, 7]
Gnuplot.open do |gp|
Gnuplot::Plot.new(gp) do |plot|
plot.terminal options[:terminal]
plot.title options[:title]
plot.xlabel options[:xlabel]
plot.ylabel options[:ylabel]
plot.output options[:data_out] if options[:data_out]
plot.output options[:data_out] if options[:data_out]
plot.logscale "y" if options[:logscale_y]
plot.xrange "[#{x.min - 1}:#{x.max + 1}]"
plot.style "fill solid 0.5 border"
plot.xtics "out"
plot.ytics "out"
plot.data << Gnuplot::DataSet.new([x, y]) do |ds|
ds.with = "boxes"
I would like this script to output nice ASCII formatted plot data via the 'dumb' terminal to STDOUT, but I can't find a way? In fact, it could also be nice to allow output of raw PNG, PS and PDF data to STDOUT.