rdp / ruby_gnuplot

The ruby gnuplot gem [gnuplot] [rgnuplot] (official releases of the gnuplot gem are from rdp branch)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Manual path - no Windows Path #39

Closed ERIPECH closed 9 years ago

ERIPECH commented 9 years ago

how can i set a manual path - without using windows path for gnuplot?

ERIPECH commented 9 years ago

this is a dead corner of the world - nice, but dead. One of the rubyists cemetary. rip

rdp commented 9 years ago

Still barely alive LOL. Wasn't there a pull request for it or some odd?

On Thu, Sep 24, 2015 at 5:36 AM, ERIPECH notifications@github.com wrote:

this is a dead corner of the world - nice, but dead. One of the rubyists cemetary. rip

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/rdp/ruby_gnuplot/issues/39#issuecomment-142903781.

ERIPECH commented 9 years ago

Didnt found any better - but solved also this one in the meantime. Thanks!

Methods and variables for interacting with the gnuplot process. Most of

these methods are for sending data to a gnuplot process, not for reading from

it. Most of the methods are implemented as added methods to the built in


require 'matrix'

module Gnuplot

Trivial implementation of the which command that uses the PATH environment

variable to attempt to find the given application. The application must

be executable and reside in one of the directories in the PATH environment

to be found. The first match that is found will be returned.

bin [String] The name of the executable to search for.

Return the full path to the first match or nil if no match is found.

def Gnuplot.which ( bin ) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ all = [bin, bin + '.exe'] else all = [bin] end for exec in all if which_helper(exec) return which_helper(exec) end end return nil end

def Gnuplot.which_helper bin return bin if File::executable? bin

path = ENV['PATH']
path.split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |dir|
  candidate = File::join dir, bin.strip
  return candidate if File::executable? candidate

# This is an implementation that works when the which command is
# available.
# IO.popen("which #{bin}") { |io| return io.readline.chomp }

return nil


Find the path to the gnuplot executable. The name of the executable can

be specified using the RB_GNUPLOT environment variable but will default to

the command 'gnuplot'.

persist [bool] Add the persist flag to the gnuplot executable

Return the path to the gnuplot executable or nil if one cannot be found.

def Gnuplot.gnuplot( persist = true ) exe_loc = which( ENV['RB_GNUPLOT'] || 'gnuplot' ) raise 'gnuplot executable not found on path' unless exe_loc cmd = '"' + exe_loc + '"' cmd += " -persist" if persist cmd end

Open a gnuplot process that exists in the current PATH. If the persist

flag is true then the -persist flag is added to the command line. The

path to the gnuplot executable is determined using the 'which' command.


See the gnuplot documentation for information on the persist flag.


todo Add a method to pass the gnuplot path to the function.

def Gnuplot.open( persist=true ) cmd = Gnuplot.gnuplot( persist ) IO::popen( cmd, "w+") { |io| yield io io.close_write @output = io.read } return @output

Holds command information and performs the formatting of that command

information to a Gnuplot process. When constructing a new plot for

gnuplot, this is the first object that must be instantiated. On this

object set the various properties and add data sets.

class Plot attr_accessor :cmd, :data, :settings

QUOTED = [ "title", "output", "xlabel", "x2label", "ylabel", "y2label", "clabel", "cblabel", "zlabel" ]

def initialize (io = nil, cmd = "plot")
  @cmd = cmd
  @settings = []
  @arbitrary_lines = []
  @data = []
  yield self if block_given?
  puts "writing this to gnuplot:\n" + to_gplot + "\n" if $VERBOSE

  if io    
    io << to_gplot
    io << store_datasets
attr_accessor :arbitrary_lines

# Invoke the set method on the plot using the name of the invoked method
# as the set variable and any arguments that have been passed as the
# value. See the +set+ method for more details.

def method_missing( methId, *args )
  set methId.id2name, *args

# Set a variable to the given value.  +Var+ must be a gnuplot variable and
# +value+ must be the value to set it to.  Automatic quoting will be
# performed if the variable requires it.  
# This is overloaded by the +method_missing+ method so see that for more
# readable code.

def set ( var, value = "" )
  value = "\"#{value}\"" if QUOTED.include? var unless value =~ /^'.*'$/
  @settings << [ :set, var, value ]

# Unset a variable. +Var+ must be a gnuplot variable.
def unset ( var )
    @settings << [ :unset, var ]

# Return the current value of the variable.  This will return the setting
# that is currently in the instance, not one that's been given to a
# gnuplot process.

def [] ( var )
  v = @settings.rassoc( var )
  if v.nil? or v.first == :unset

def add_data ( ds )
  @data << ds

def to_gplot (io = "")
  @settings.each do |setting|
      io << setting.map(&:to_s).join(" ") << "\n"
  @arbitrary_lines.each{|line| io << line << "\n" }


def store_datasets (io = "")
  if @data.size > 0
    io << @cmd << " " << @data.collect { |e| e.plot_args }.join(", ")
    io << "\n"

    v = @data.collect { |ds| ds.to_gplot }
    io << v.compact.join("e\n")



Analogous to Plot class, holds command information and performs the formatting of that command

information to a Gnuplot process. Should be used when for drawing 3D plots.

class SPlot < Plot

def initialize (io = nil, cmd = "splot")

# Currently using the implementation from parent class Plot.
# Leaving the method explicit here, though, as to allow an specific
# implementation for SPlot in the future.
def to_gplot (io = "")


Container for a single dataset being displayed by gnuplot. Each object

has a reference to the actual data being plotted as well as settings that

control the "plot" command. The data object must support the to_gplot


+data+ The data that will be plotted. The only requirement is that the

object understands the to_gplot method.


The following attributes correspond to their related string in the gnuplot

command. See the gnuplot documentation for more information on this.


title, with


@todo Use the delegator to delegate to the data property.

class DataSet attr_accessor :title, :with, :using, :data, :linewidth, :linecolor, :matrix, :smooth, :axes

def initialize (data = nil)
  @data = data
  @title = @with = @using = @linewidth = @linecolor = @matrix = @smooth = @axes = nil # avoid warnings
  yield self if block_given?

def notitle
  @title = "notitle"

def plot_args (io = "")

  # Order of these is important or gnuplot barfs on 'em

  io << ( (@data.instance_of? String) ? @data : "'-'" )

  io << " using #{@using}" if @using

  io << " axes #{@axes}" if @axes

  io << case @title
        when /notitle/ then " notitle"
        when nil       then ""
        else " title '#{@title}'" 

  io << " matrix" if @matrix
  io << " smooth #{@smooth}" if @smooth
  io << " with #{@with}" if @with
  io << " linecolor #{@linecolor}" if @linecolor
  io << " linewidth #{@linewidth}" if @linewidth

def to_gplot
  case @data
  when nil then nil
  when String then nil
  else @data.to_gplot

def to_gsplot
  case @data
  when nil then nil
  when String then nil
  else @data.to_gsplot

end end

class Array def to_gplot if ( self[0].kind_of? Array ) then tmp = self[0].zip( self[1..-1] ) tmp.collect { |a| a.join(" ") }.join("\n") + "\ne" elsif ( self[0].kind_of? Numeric ) then s = "" self.length.times { |i| s << "#{self[i]}\n" } s else self[0].zip( self[1..-1] ).to_gplot end end

def to_gsplot f = ""

if ( self[0].kind_of? Array ) then
  x = self[0]
  y = self[1]
  d = self[2]

  x.each_with_index do |xv, i|
    y.each_with_index do |yv, j|
      f << [ xv, yv, d[i][j] ].join(" ") << "\n"
    # f << "\n"
elsif ( self[0].kind_of? Numeric ) then
  self.length.times do |i| f << "#{self[i]}\n" end
  self[0].zip( *self[1..-1] ).to_gsplot


end end

class Matrix def to_gplot (x = nil, y = nil) xgrid = x || (0...self.column_size).to_a ygrid = y || (0...self.row_size).to_a

f = ""
ygrid.length.times do |j|
  y = ygrid[j]
  xgrid.length.times do |i|
    if ( self[j,i] ) then
      f << "#{xgrid[i]} #{y} #{self[j,i]}\n"




rdp commented 9 years ago

OK looks like you can use environment variable "RB_GNUPLOT" does that satisfy your requirement?