I have a gene expression matrix and would like to calculate the distance between every pair of genes. I converted genes expression into a list of expression (consider it as multiple time series or 10 genes) and used the following command as suggested in the manual of dtwclustering:
I have a gene expression matrix and would like to calculate the distance between every pair of genes. I converted genes expression into a list of expression (consider it as multiple time series or 10 genes) and used the following command as suggested in the manual of dtwclustering:
proxy::dist(time_series[1:10], time_series[1:10]), method = "SBD", return.shifted = TRUE)
However, the values are exactly matching the basic dist() fuction in r with default method to be "euclidean". Seems the "SDB" method is not applied.
Can you please help me with this as I need to use a shape base method to calculate the similarity/distance between the genes.