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Please support internationalisation through indexing help translation modules #126

Open cregouby opened 1 week ago

cregouby commented 1 week ago


I use rdrr.io on a daily basis and it is of a major help to discover packages as well as getting their documentation. Thanks a lot for it !

After creating multiple internationalisation modules of R packages, thanks to {rhelpi18}, I can't find them in the index.

Is there a chance you can add internationalisation module github repositories to the index ?

The general pattern according to {rhelpi18n} is that the DESCRIPTION file in the repository contains three major keys :

example from {tabnet.fr}

Package: tabnet.fr
Type: Translation-module
Title: Entraîne des modèles 'Tabnet' pour la Classification et la Régression
Version: 0.6.0
Date: 2024-05-26
Authors@R: c(
    person("Christophe", "Regouby", , "christophe.regouby@free.fr", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"))
Description: La version française de l'implémentation des modèles 'TabNet' par Sercan O. Arik et al. (2019)
    <doi:10.48550/arXiv.1908.07442> avec 'Coherent Hierarchical Multi-label
    Classification Networks' par Giunchiglia et al.  <doi:10.48550/arXiv.2010.10151> et
    qui founit une interface homogène pour l'entraînement et l'inférence. 
    Il est aussi entièrement compatible avec l'écosystème 'tidymodels'.
License: MIT + file LICENSE
BugReports: https://github.com/cregouby/tabnet.fr/issues
Language: fr_FR
Translates: tabnet (== 0.6.0)