I am trying to convert my bed file to vcf file. But its showing some error.
The command:
bed2vcf(mashr_hg38_liftover,filename =finali, zero.based = TRUE, header = NULL, fasta = NULL)
the error:
Check for larger start position... PASS.
Check if zero based... PASS
ERROR: Sorry, the program is stopping until problem features are fixed.
You can try using is.valid.region and fix.region functions to debug
Error in is.valid.region(x, throw.error = TRUE, check.zero.based = check.zero.based, :
Can you please tell me how should I use this two options to reduce the error?
Thank You.
Hello, I am trying to convert my bed file to vcf file. But its showing some error. The command: bed2vcf(mashr_hg38_liftover,filename =finali, zero.based = TRUE, header = NULL, fasta = NULL) the error: Check for larger start position... PASS.
ERROR: Sorry, the program is stopping until problem features are fixed.
You can try using is.valid.region and fix.region functions to debug Error in is.valid.region(x, throw.error = TRUE, check.zero.based = check.zero.based, : Can you please tell me how should I use this two options to reduce the error? Thank You.