rdrr1990 / bigKRLS

Now on CRAN, bigKRLS combines bigmemory & RcppArmadillo (C++) for speed into a new Kernel Regularized Least Squares algorithm. Slides:
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Basic testing #12

Closed peterfoley closed 7 years ago

peterfoley commented 7 years ago

This PR adds in basic tests using testthat and sets up travis and codecov.

Test implementation required changing load.bigKRLS to be able to return the loaded object into the local rather than the global environment. It currently does that when pos=NA is passed. Would recommend removing global environment writes altogether to simplify usage within more complex projects.

Before merging, will need to update the travis/codecov badge urls in README.md to point to rdrr1990/bigKRLS master rather than the peterfoley/bigKRLS fork.