rdrr1990 / bigKRLS

Now on CRAN, bigKRLS combines bigmemory & RcppArmadillo (C++) for speed into a new Kernel Regularized Least Squares algorithm. Slides:
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[Feature Request] add doc to the package #32

Closed stevenlis closed 5 years ago

stevenlis commented 5 years ago

The help() returns nothing for the functions in the package.


Could you pls attached me a PDF of the doc since the package is not on CRAN now and I don't know where I could find it.


rdrr1990 commented 5 years ago

hi sorry that it is taking so long to get this back on CRAN. If you build the tar file found here: https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/bigKRLS/bigKRLS_3.0.5.tar.gz the vignette should load with the package as usual

rdrr1990 commented 5 years ago

Back on CRAN, thanks for your patience!