rds1983 / Myra

UI Library for MonoGame, FNA and Stride
MIT License
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Combobox:NullReferenceException #457

Closed Kubrix closed 2 months ago

Kubrix commented 2 months ago
public class Game1 :Game
ComboBox CbShootMode;

protected override void LoadContent()
CbShootMode = new ComboBox();

CbShootMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Manual", Color.Black));
CbShootMode.Items.Add(new ListItem("Auto", Color.Black));
CbShootMode.Left = 185;
CbShootMode.Top= 50;

protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
CbShootMode.Visible = (CurGameState == GameState.Options);


On CbShootMode.Visible = CurGameState == GameState.Options:

System.NullReferenceException: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'

CbShootMode was null.

rds1983 commented 2 months ago

I think the real code differs from the one provided in this issue. As CbShootMode can't be null in such case.

Kubrix commented 2 months ago

Seems to be gone after studio restart and rebuild