rdsea / QoA4ML

Quality of Analytics for Machine Learning
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Fix attribute names #10

Open linhsolar opened 9 months ago

linhsolar commented 9 months ago

Pls. use well-defined attribute names in qoa language, no space in the attribute name, e.g. (dataquality.py)

 results = {}
 results["Total Errors"] = error_df.to_numpy().flatten().sum()
 results["Error Ratio"] = 100*error_df/total_count
minhtribk12 commented 9 months ago

Attribute name Updated

linhsolar commented 9 months ago

still the problem exists: if isinstance(image,PIL.JpegImagePlugin.JpegImageFile) or isinstance(image,PIL.Image.Image):


    quality["Image Width"] = image.width
    quality["Image Height"] = image.height
    quality["Image Size"] = image.size
    quality["Color Mode"] = image.mode
    quality["Color Channel"] = len(image.getbands())
minhtribk12 commented 9 months ago

Spaces removed

linhsolar commented 9 months ago

this issue has not be completely solved: check mlquality.py.

I suggest to keep the same way whenever we introduce a new attribute.