rdubois46 / liftoff-assignments

Student assignments for the LaunchCode Liftoff program
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Feedback for Project Planning #3

Open dcmorse opened 5 years ago

dcmorse commented 5 years ago

Stories look good. Git repo looks good (commit more though - ever 20-40 minutes of work - every time you make a change successfully)

Wireframes look great! It's so easy to have a conversation about them.

Like at this one what would you think of replacing the select/button combo with three buttons that were in the select? 1. Add Skill to Practice, 2. Create practice Session, 3. View Session Data? I

Or on this one could it also list existing skills, so that the user can tell they're not double-adding something?

Or on the date range picker are you going to have enough information in the database to deliver value by showing a subset of it? If not, how would you prioritize this story?

That's the point of wireframes: spur conversations.

rdubois46 commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the advice on committing. I tend to get in "the zone" and forget to commit, or I'll feel obligated to finish some entire group of tasks within the same category. I'll try to change that habit.

I agree with the 3 buttons vs. select on wireframe 1. I think I was getting antsy that my wireframes looked too bland/similar and picked the select for some visual variety, but I think three buttons is just simpler and makes more sense - especially if I'm going with a mobile-first mindset. Now that I think about it, as a user I don't really care for selects on touch-screens.

Wireframe 2 - yeah, an existing skill list was something I planned on having there from the start. I totally forgot to include that. Thanks for the reminder.

Wireframe 3 - In the date range picker, yes, I believe someone who uses the app regularly over a longer (2+ months) period of time would benefit from being able to see what their practice habits looked like 3 months ago instead of simply "show me the last X days' worth of practice." However, I totally agree that in the grand scheme of things, this is a lower priority story compared to what I'd consider the most essential functions (MVP?): having unique user accounts that can record session data, store it, and display it in a basic form like a table. I'm hoping I can at least get that essential stuff to work - if I can, then yeah, the date-picker would be one of those higher-up features that I'd shoot for next.