rdugan / iceriver-oc

Modified firmware for IceRiver ASICs, adding overclocking and other goodies
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KS0PRO quit hashing on pbfamrer today. Flash to stock works again. #51

Open SomethingGettingWrong opened 3 months ago

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

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So after leaving it running for over 30 mins will not actually mine.

What happend was i had it running at 325 mhz over but had it running with a squirl cage nice and cool.. then it just quit hashing.. and showed 0 mhz



Went back to stock firmware starts working.. Reflashed pbfarmer wont work again? Is it possible i messed up tempeture sensor keeping it from hashing?

I noticed latest stock firmware will ignore temps and just start hashing.

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So anyway I reflashed pbfarmer.. dint work.

Reflashe dstock worked.

reflahed pbfarmer again .. didnt work. just wont hash.

reflashed latest icrever firmware hashs again.

I think i basicaly damage dsomething the new stock firmare is ignoring and hashing.. ( my fault) but now pbfarmer wont work. :(

here is the pool inbetween firmwaes.


Can you rebase off the latest firmware?

My fans wont even spin on pbfarmer. ( was workign great until i over did it with overclocks) or maybe my temp sensor is faulty and pbfarmers thershold is diffrent from latest firmware? i dunno. but stock works now pbfaremr doesnt.

I did notice fans didnt come on .. like they normally did on pbfarmer. but the fans actually work. Cant use pbfarmer when trying now it says mining offline essentialy

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

Yeah got the orignial firmware flashed back on it runs just fine. Man i really want to use pbfarmer. It just quit hashing on it. didnt matter what the ip was.. i couldnt do anythign was offline

Meier3283 commented 3 months ago

He's aware, there is some router updates that went out, that are now blocking his fee pool connection. If it can't reach that pool, it won't hash. (I stand corrected, below) Not sure what he can do on his side, but I'd take a look at your router settings, and set all the appropriate exclusions according to where his pool points to in the readme. us.kaspa.pool.pbfarmer.cc => us.kaspa.herominers.com

rdugan commented 3 months ago

This isn't quite true. The firmware will allow hashing without a fee pool connection, it just removes and clock/voltage changes until the fee pool connection is available again. So somehow these routers (or possibly your ISPs) are differentiating traffic (even for your main pool) between my firmware and stock firmware and blocking both, and there's nothing I can really do about it.

There are a couple possible options you can try... The first and most reliable is to find the setting in your router (assuming it's the router and not your ISP) that's blocking the traffic, and disable it. It's probably something called IPS or IDS or similar. I've detailed my experience with this in the 'Known Issues' section of the README.

The second option is to try using stratum+ssl for your pools (along w/ the required port change if any), which should prevent whatever is snooping on your traffic from doing so. The only problem with this is that the fee traffic will still be using stratum+tcp, so you may be limited to stock speeds. But if you can at least hash at stock speeds by using ssl, then I can do a release that switches the fee to ssl as well.

rdugan commented 3 months ago

Ok, so working through this with a couple different people, it seems a bunch of ISPs (or maybe a service they all commonly utilize) has started black-holing my pbfarmer.cc domain which is simply an alias for herominers.com. This seems to be a corner case in my firmware - a failed connection will allow normal mining at stock speeds, but somehow when they grab the connection with a proxy and just send all traffic into the void, things break down.

So, I both need to address this absolutely absurd scenario, as well as register a different domain it seems. In the meantime, if you want to try a test build I did that uses herominers.com directly, find me on the Kaspa discord...

rdugan commented 3 months ago

Faster resolution... Just update your DNS servers in your router to use Google. and

Fck these ISPs and their DNS hijacking.

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

I will atttempt that tommrow. I must ask though. Why its shwoing FAULT greyed out and 0 mhz on and the fans are not spinning on your firmware. Shouldnt it at least be hasign 200 gh/s NOTHING is attemtping to do anything. Also for some reason when flashing yoru firmware it says miner not online. However I can change the Ip address and it succesful. However it just doesnt mine at all as in it stays at 0 mhz.... not even 550 mhz for 200gh/s

its been fine zero rejects on stock firmware going a day now since this incident image

I hope to get this resolved and to be able to use yoru firmware.

Ill message you tommrow on discord to try out firmwares and such. Im swamped tonight.

rdugan commented 3 months ago

I explained what's happening 3 comments up. Also, the machine does not initialize any hardware until it can get a pool connection, hence the clocks/voltages.

You don't need to experiment with the firmwares. Just put the latest version published on github back on, and switch to something other than your ISPs spyware version of DNS

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

My isp sucks ballsacks. You are correct. thanks for the help. getting my own new router.. OPTIMUM is garbage.

CAN CONFIRM OPTIMUM is blocking your firmware.

Cant run in 200gh/s NOR your fee Dev pool either. its blocking all pools

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

@echo off start " Google DNS " ping -t start " Google DNS 2 " ping -t start " Cloudflare DNS" ping -t start " Open DNS " ping -t start " Comcast" ping -t start " level 3 Communciations" ping -t start " Quad 69" ping -t



if you guys want to pick the best DNS run this and pick lowest ping but for now I would need to buy a new cable modem... In other words all your optimum internet users are done unless you come up with a new domain and maybe SSL or something as i doubt anyone spends 200 bucks to just fix this issue with a enw router.

rdugan commented 3 months ago

Sorry, I'm confused... Are you saying you can't change your DNS server in the router? Even if you can't, there's an option in the network page of the ASIC UI.

And to be clear, the main pool being blocked is due to this corner case (some MITM blackholing traffic) never having been tested. I can fix that, but the fee traffic would still be blocked due to the domain, so you'd be stuck at stock speeds. I can (and actually have) register another domain, but that's really just a game of whack-a-mole. There's no guarantee they don't decide to block whatever i choose. Using a non-spyware DNS is the only real solution.

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

No everything is blocked on your firmware form optimum right now. I have not tried to change the DNS settings within the ASIC itself under your firmware. Every other firmware currently works iwth optimum but yours. I am blocked on default speeds and on with fee speeds. I am unable to change anything in the router of optimum as there stuff is locked down . They only allow business to change dns settings. I can reflahs your firmware and go intot he asic paige and attempt to chagne the DNS there. but I belive that the router will overide it. But i will attempt it. as of now ALL optimum (confirmed in support) is blocking as of last saturday certain new "threats" of things that act like botnets (which in theory your stuff apparently fail under) in the way it sent out traffic?


As you can see pinging pbfarmer.... vs hero pools . soemthing aint working

But again my router is blcoking yoru firmware from even mining without a fee. But i will check if i change DNS in the asic UI to see if it lets it go through are blocks that request too.

rdugan commented 3 months ago

I'ts not a traffic pattern. It's just DNS. they don't like my .cc domain it seems, even though their rules are clearly braindead, because it's just a cname (alias) to herominers.com. And your router is not blocking the main pool traffic (or at least it's highly unlikely) - it's my firmware failing because of what your ISP is doing with the fee traffic. This is what i explained in my last comment.

It's also high unlikely they will block DNS requests to other servers. So install the firmware, change the DNS in the network page, reboot, and you should be good to go.

SomethingGettingWrong commented 3 months ago

they were deifnitly blocking the 200gh/s default . will attempt after work and then hopefully close this. Thanks bro.

Btw my freaking BUTTON that shipped with my asic... was bad never worked and i coudlnt get it to show the ip when mashing it but didnt really mess with ti. but i got a solid red and solid green light.. when flashing back to stock.. ( on all firmwares). I literally had to short the pins behind the button to get it to stop being solid red and solid green continously and i left it like that for 4 hours while gone to test. so if you ahve someone dealing with that.. and button aint working might be that. Several commerative editions have bad buttons. i heard you have to short the intter two pins for 20 seconds on the under side where the asic chips are ot reset it then assemble and your good to go.

BeNeDeLuX commented 3 months ago

I had the same problem and can confirm this. If there is no connection to "*.pbfarmer.cc", the miner stops working. The miner is not able to connect to another pool and there is no fallback to the normal 200gh/s.

But the input from @rdugan is another one: This isn't quite true. The firmware will allow hashing without a fee pool connection, it just removes and clock/voltage changes until the fee pool connection is available again.

My story is simple: I am using NextDNS and have activated a new AdBlock list (the miner has already done its job during this time). The ".pbfarmer.cc" was part of a newly activated list and was therefore (unfortunately) blocked. After a few minutes, the mining stopped and I only saw a "reconnect" symbol to my normal pool address, but nothing more. A reboot didn't solve anything either. So I checked the DNS logs and added ".pbfarmer.cc" to my allow list. Then the miner was back in business.

But my expectation was that the miner would just drop to the default 200gh/s and keep running, but that wasn't the case.

rdugan commented 3 months ago

https://github.com/rdugan/iceriver-oc/issues/51#issuecomment-2068159745 https://github.com/rdugan/iceriver-oc/issues/51#issuecomment-2078570455 https://github.com/rdugan/iceriver-oc/issues/51#issuecomment-2080036072

I've explained the issue three times in this thread alone now...

BeNeDeLuX commented 3 months ago

I've read all the posts several times now and i understand the problem. @rdugan Thanks for your comments and all your hard work on the firmware!

rdugan commented 2 months ago

No problem... and i will fix this bug, but it will only result in the expected stock hashrate in these situations... Nothing really to be done about DNS hijacking other than changing DNS servers sadly.