rdunlop / unicycling-registration

Gather Registration details from participants for upcoming unicycling event
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Allow assigning permissions to users before they have been assigned to that Convention #577

Open rdunlop opened 7 years ago

rdunlop commented 7 years ago

When configuring volunteers and their enhanced permissions, it can be difficult to deal with the fact that some of the volunteers may not have signed up for the convention yet, but you still want to assign them the necessary permissions.

Instead of only showing users who have signed up for this specific convention, we would like to show ALL users.

On the following three permissions types, you should be given the global users list to choose from:

Some options:

@scotthue what are your thoughts? (Scott originally requested this feature)

scotthue commented 7 years ago

An additional feature that could be really nice would be to pull the email address's to_s_with_email field from the most recent convention where they had an account. I'm not exactly sure how the global list of emails is accessed and if the to_s_with_email is contained in the same context.

I am definitely not in favor of emailing the user about the assigned permissions, and it would take something for me to change my mind on this.

"Show full list" for the global list of users seems like a huge load on the server. I can't imagine a scenario when I would ever need this...

Additionally, I wonder if the "global user search" should somehow be differentiated from the "current convention users search". I can imagine that a single person might have used various user accounts/emails over the years, and you would prefer to search the list of current convention users first, and only performing the global user search if they are not contained in the current list. The simplest manifestation of this is to simply have two versions of the search field.

rdunlop commented 7 years ago

to_s_with_email pulls from the User table, and this is not different convention-to-convention. So, if in one convention you update your name, when you log into another convention, that name is already updated there (there's only 1 copy of that field, globally).

I'm confused about the difference between "Global user search" and "show full list". Does your design call for a field which is like an auto-complete field (look-ahead-search style), and not like a drop-down, which lists each-and-every possible e-mail address?

scotthue commented 6 years ago

By "Show Full list", I meant the registrants/manage_all page, but for all global users. This is a page I don't envision needing, and the currently manage_all page is slow to load, so I imagine one with all global users would be awful.

"Global user search" is exactly what it sounds like, just a select2 searchable dropdown menu that includes all users in UDA. (Like you have in the 'Set User Permissions' form on /permissions.)