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Github Deployment chapters are outdated #132

Open mgmart opened 7 years ago

mgmart commented 7 years ago

As I began to fiddle around with Hugo in January I followed the documentation to set up a site using GitHub pages. I ended up with a working site which was deployed by Wercker. After some time I realised that it is no good practice to have the theme hardcoded into the site as suggested by the documentation. I tried then to convert my site to the use of git submodules and got stuck at the Wercker end because I had to write new Wercker steps. Which is a bit too complicated for the task 😉

After some digging I found out that GitHub Pages deployment could be done very easily by using travis. I think this is a rather new feature and that is the reason why it's not covered by the existing tutorials.

By adding

  - git submodule update --init --recursive
  - hugo -v

to the script section I was even able to get the newest theme version for my build.

My suggestion would be to remove 'Deployment with Wercker' from the documentation because it's solely meant for GitHub. And to rewrite 'Hosting on GitHub' with the new features provided by travis in mind.

I would be happy to do this. Some proof reading might be necessary, though :feelsgood:

mgmart commented 7 years ago

Don't know if this repo is still active.

Anyway, I've did the promised writeup here: http://schnuddelhuddel.de/deployment-of-a-hugo-site-on-github-pages/