The tag for this part is <OrderTaxDef>. Once the tag is recognized the value of the tag needs to be matched against one of the tax descriptions in Labworks. If a match is found, the order will use that tax id and percentage for its tax calculation (otherwise we are calculating tax based on the Customer Profile’s tax definition)
If there is a value for this tag, it should match against TaxInfo.Tax when IsSystemReserved is 1 (this means, it should be one of the tax bundle tax rates) and taxInfo.Description= ‘Online-[<Shipping><Postalcode>]’. If this match is not found, a record needs to be added in TaxInfo for this rate as below:
TaxID Description Tax Active IsDefault IsSystemReserved RateID USState
1 Online-[<Shipping><Postalcode>] [OrderTaxRate] 1 0 1 NULL [<Shipping><State>]
For the description, if [<Shipping><Postalcode>] is not filled, we need to use [OrderTaxRate].
The order will use that tax id and percentage for its tax calculation (otherwise we are calculating tax based on the Customer Profile’s tax definition)
And your assumption for <OrderTaxAmount> is correct.
On Tue, Oct 19, 2021 at 12:18 PM Ron Dyar wrote:
<OrderTaxDef> [alphanumeric 64 characters]
<OrderTaxRate> [decimal] (optional): Tax Percent.
<OrderTaxAmount>[decimal] (optional): Total tax for order.
what is OrderTaxDef? purpose?
same for TaxRate - is it just info or is it actually used? my understanding was you could pass in the ordertaxamount and LW would use that but you could not edit the order at all. If you have the taxrate from a 3rd party api and pass that in, can LW then use that for any further calculations if the order is edited in LW?