I've been playing around with tracking clicks on our ROES Launch links for a while, and now with the webview stuff for the main splash screen in 9.5 I am able to add tracking to actual roes launches.
To track a successful roes launch, I added this to the bottom of the html for my main splash page:
<script>//google tracking - plp - need to update for others
(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
ga('create', 'UA-xxxxxxx-x', 'auto');
ga('send', 'event', {
eventCategory: 'ROES-Launch-successful',
eventAction: 'click',
eventLabel: 'hooray'
Replace the xxxxxxx-xx with your ga account number. I think you can put whatever you want in the category/actions and label. Hooray was just cause I couldn't think to put anything else.
To track clicks on the launch links on your website you can do the link like this:
<a title="Download ROES for macs" href="http://www.roeslaunch.com/ROES/labs/youtlabname.dmg" onclick="trackOutboundLink('http://www.roeslaunch.com/ROES/labs/yourlabname.dmg'); return false;">
and then on your page you need the script below in addition to your normal ga code:
I've been playing around with tracking clicks on our ROES Launch links for a while, and now with the webview stuff for the main splash screen in 9.5 I am able to add tracking to actual roes launches.
To track a successful roes launch, I added this to the bottom of the html for my main splash page:
Replace the xxxxxxx-xx with your ga account number. I think you can put whatever you want in the category/actions and label. Hooray was just cause I couldn't think to put anything else.
To track clicks on the launch links on your website you can do the link like this:
and then on your page you need the script below in addition to your normal ga code:
They both seem to work well, though I just started doing the one in the webview splash page.