rdyar / LabWOES

Unofficial ROES and LabWorks support for Photo Labs
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ROES Web Update #91

Open rdyar opened 6 years ago

rdyar commented 6 years ago

ROES Web Release Notes

April, 2018

Updated text entry interface.

Improved crop translation on multi node products with varied aspect ratios.

Configurable currency symbol. Set in configuration file.

Attribute support

New features

Tuesday November 14th, 2017

Modifications and added features and capabilities.

A ROES Web Lab Setup PDF can be found at www.roes-u.com/Training/ROESWeb/RW_Files/ROESWeb_Lab_Setup.pdf

Updated attributes support methodsbeforeaddress - true or false default of false. set on shipping element with true to have the ship method presented first during checkout.

needsaddress - set to false on a pick up or use address on file ship method to gray out shipping address fields and allow progression through completion without the need for shipping address entry.

salestax - set to false on a ship method to bypass tax calculation and not apply tax to the order.

orderminimum and priceminimum - set on the order options element. With orderminimum a label is shown under the Checkout button indicating the order minimum required to check out. With priceminimum the order total floor is set to the value specified. No additional labeling is presented.

Locale: Support for non US/Canada state and postal codes.

User login/verification: The functionality is comparable to ROES desktop. With a valid URL a post is made from the application to the specified URL with the entered credentials. A replay of "valid" will log the user in. A reply of "error" will represent the login pane to the user and request a check of the account and password. User login/verification is defined in the application configuration file managed by a SoftWorks Systems team member.

Login Options: guest - true or false. If true then a user can continue as a guest and is not required to login. A lab account payment option is not available to a guest user.

url - The URL the application will make the post to. If you are using account verification in ROES desktop the URL used is compatible with ROES Web. The value of URL can be set to "Valid" to allow any user to login with any credentials.

password - true or false. If false only the account field is shown in the login pane

labaccount - true or false. If true then a lab account payment method is made available in the payment pane. Billing/account email address entry field is presented when selected. Selection of lab account when not logged in presents the login dialog.

When a user is logged in an uncompleted order is stored on the application server and will be automatically retrieved on the next login.

Customer Specific Product Groups: Customer elements containing a group or groups of customer specific templates within a catalog is now supported. The value of attribute "id" on the customer element needs to match the login account value for the customer specific templates to be presented.

Support for Configuration Element: A configuration element can be added to a catalog, a customer element or a customer element at the root of the template file. Attribute rtpuri is the only supported attribute at this time. This allows for the rtpuri set in the application configuration to be overridden for a particular catalog or for a particular customer.