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[RDR-02M] Bypass of Conversion Target Authorization #58

Closed chasebrownn closed 6 months ago

chasebrownn commented 6 months ago

RDR-02M: Bypass of Conversion Target Authorization

Type Severity Location
Logical Fault RevenueDistributor.sol:L353


The RevenueDistributor::_convertToken function will attempt to validate that the _target is authorized, however, the validation it performs is inadequate.

Specifically, all unconfigured _target values will have a fetchSelector entry of 0. This permits a malicious _target to be specified with a fallback function that will utilize all _data beyond the first 4 bytes and thus bypass the security check in RevenueDistributor::_convertToken.


It is possible to set an arbitrary _target to swap assets, thereby permitting a complete compromise of funds held by the RevenueDistributor by a malicious distributor.

The severity of the exhibit has been reduced to medium due to requiring the distributor to act dishonestly.


 * @notice Converts a specific token to ETH.
 * @dev This function is used to convert any token to ETH. It contains the check
 * to verify that the target address and selector are correct to avoid exploits.
 * @param _tokenIn Token to convert.
 * @param _amount Amount to convert.
 * @param _target Target address for conversion.
 * @param _data Call data for conversion.
 * @return _amountOut Amount ETH received.
function _convertToken(
    address _tokenIn,
    uint256 _amount,
    address _target,
    bytes calldata _data
) internal returns (uint256 _amountOut) {
    uint256 _before = address(this).balance;
    // check if this is a pre-approved contract for swapping/converting
    require(fetchSelector[_target] == bytes4(_data[0:4]), "invalid selector");

    IERC20(_tokenIn).forceApprove(_target, 0);
    IERC20(_tokenIn).forceApprove(_target, _amount);

    (bool _success, ) =;
    require(_success, "low swap level call failed");

    _amountOut = address(this).balance - _before;
    emit RevTokenConverted(_tokenIn, _amount, _amountOut);


We advise either a selector of 0 to be disallowed or the fetchSelector entry to have a different flag to indicate whether it has been configured, either of which we consider a valid alleviation and the latter of which would be the technically correct one as a selector of 0 is valid.

chasebrownn commented 6 months ago
