re-al-Foundation / rwa-contracts

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[EIW-01C] Variable Mutability Specifiers (Immutable) #81

Closed chasebrownn closed 5 months ago

chasebrownn commented 5 months ago

EIW-01C: Variable Mutability Specifiers (Immutable)

Type Severity Location
Gas Optimization ExactInputWrapper.sol:L13, L14


The linked variables are assigned to only once during the contract's constructor.


ISwapRouter public swapRouter;
IWETH public WETH;

constructor(address _router, address _weth) {
    swapRouter = ISwapRouter(_router);
    WETH = IWETH(_weth);


We advise them to be set as immutable greatly optimizing their read-access gas cost.

chasebrownn commented 5 months ago
