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Testing a signal #277

Open sbitproz opened 1 year ago

sbitproz commented 1 year ago


I'm trying to test a signal which is exported from a JS module. The problem is that between tests it's changed and the tests become interdependent.


export const [launchedPressed$, pressLaunch] = createSignal<Launch>();

Which has the following binding

export const [useLaunchRocket, launchRocket$] = bind(
    switchMap(({ delaySeconds, url, status, timeoutSeconds }) => {
      return status === LaunchStatus.WORKING
        ? of(LaunchStatus.ABORTED)
        : ajax.getJSON(`${url}${delaySeconds}`).pipe(
            map(() => LaunchStatus.STANDBY),
            timeoutWhen(!!timeoutSeconds, (timeoutSeconds ?? 10) * 1000),
            catchError(() => of(LaunchStatus.ABORTED)),
    map((status) => ({ status })),
    startWith({ status: LaunchStatus.STANDBY }),

Because the signal is exported from this module it's akin to a global variable and the value is changed between tests within the test runner. This makes the values less predictable and the tests more flaky and interdependent.

it("should emit aborted when status is working and pressLaunch is called", () => { (helpers) => {
      const { cold, expectObservable } = helpers;
      const payloadA: { a: Launch } = {
        a: {
          delaySeconds: 1,
          status: "working",
          url: "",
          timeoutSeconds: 2,
      const expectedA = { a: { status: "standby" }, b: { status: "aborted" } };

      const source$ = cold("a", payloadA).pipe(tap((a) => pressLaunch(a)));

      expectObservable(source$).toBe("a", payloadA);
      expectObservable(launchRocket$).toBe("(ab)", expectedA);

  it("should abort when the delay exceeds the timeout", () => {
    (ajax.getJSON as jest.Mock).mockImplementation(() => of("test").pipe(delay(3000))); (helpers) => {
      const { cold, expectObservable } = helpers;
      const payloadA: { a: Launch } = {
        a: {
          delaySeconds: 3,
          status: "standby",
          url: "",
          timeoutSeconds: 2,
      const expectedA = { a: { status: "standby" }, b: { status: "aborted" } };

      const source$ = cold("a", payloadA).pipe(tap((a) => pressLaunch(a)));

      expectObservable(source$).toBe("a", payloadA);
      expectObservable(launchRocket$).toBe("a 2000ms b", expectedA);

Is my analysis correct?

What's the best approach to testing signals?

Are there any examples on the ?

bruceharris commented 6 months ago

@sbitproz it seems to me that your question may be more about testing observation chains than about testing signals per se. Regardless, this article provides guidance on how to test code like that in the example here.