re-xyr / speff

Fast higher-order effect handlers with evidence passing
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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A record based API #2

Open noughtmare opened 1 year ago

noughtmare commented 1 year ago

I've seen some people saying that a record based API would be more intuitive for them. I've done a little experiment and came up with this:

type Env' = Rec InternalHandler'

newtype InternalHandler' e = InternalHandler' { runHandler' :: forall es a. e :> es => e (Eff' es) a }

type role Eff' nominal representational
newtype Eff' (es :: [Effect]) (a :: Type) = Eff' { unEff' :: Env' es -> Ctl a }

instance Functor (Eff' es) -- ...
instance Applicative (Eff' es) -- ...
instance Monad (Eff' es) -- ...

class Handling' (esSend :: [Effect]) (es :: [Effect]) (r :: Type) | esSend -> es r where
  handlingDict' :: HandlingDict' es r
  handlingDict' = error
    "Sp.Eff: nonexistent handling context! Don't attempt to manually define an instance for the 'Handling' typeclass."

data HandlingDict' es r = Handling' (Env' es) !(Marker r)
type instance DictRep (Handling' _ es r) = HandlingDict' es r

type Handler' e es r = ∀ esSend a. Handling' esSend es r => e :> esSend => e (Eff' esSend) a

toInternalHandler' :: ∀ e es r. Marker r -> Rec InternalHandler' es -> Handler' e es r -> InternalHandler' e
toInternalHandler' mark es hdl = InternalHandler' x where
    x :: forall esSend a. e :> esSend => e (Eff' esSend) a
    x = reflectDict @(Handling' esSend es r) hdl (Handling' es mark)

handle' :: (InternalHandler' e -> Env' es' -> Env' es) -> Handler' e es' a -> Eff' es a -> Eff' es' a
handle' f = \hdl (Eff' m) -> Eff' \es -> prompt \mark -> m $! f (toInternalHandler' mark es hdl) es

send' :: e :> es => (e (Eff' es) a -> Eff' es a) -> Eff' es a
send' f = Eff' \es -> unEff' (f (runHandler' (Rec.index es))) es

interpose' :: (e :> es) => Handler' e es a -> Eff' es a -> Eff' es a
interpose' = handle' \ih es -> Rec.update ih es

This interface can then be used as follows:

data Reader r m a = Reader
  { ask_ :: m r
  , local_ :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a

ask :: Reader r :> es => Eff' es r
ask = send' ask_

local :: Reader r :> es => (r -> r) -> Eff' es a -> Eff' es a
local f m = send' \h -> local_ h f m

handleReader :: r -> Handler' (Reader r) es a
handleReader !r = Reader
  { ask_ = pure r
  , local_ = \f m -> interpose' (handleReader (f r)) m

I haven't tested this, but it is mostly the same as the existing code, so I think it will work. One advantage is that it doesn't require users to use "scary" GADTs.

What do you think about this?

noughtmare commented 1 year ago

Oh, this doesn't work any more after d943a09 :(