re4lvanshsingh / Codeforces_Codechef_Converter

Converts the rating in between two popular competitive programming platforms- Codeforces and Codechef
1 stars 4 forks source link

Added Web Scrapper for Codeforces and CodeChef #6

Closed HavokSahil closed 7 months ago

HavokSahil commented 7 months ago

This project encompasses two web scrapers designed to collect user data from Codeforces and Codechef platforms. The Codeforces scraper utilizes the official Codeforces API to gather information based on a given username, while the Codechef scraper employs Beautiful Soup for web scraping.


Codeforces Scraper:

Codechef Scraper:

Additional Information:

The project includes a list of usernames gathered from the leaderboard of Codechef.

re4lvanshsingh commented 7 months ago

@HavokSahil Can you put in more data points? I want atleast 300 data points. Moreover, the points should be for the same username.

eg: if coder has the same username "braman" on both codeforces and codechef, only then take the data point. If we take random isolated points of codeforces and codechef, then we can't really make the comparison.

Can you implement this. Only take the data point for the same username on both codeforces and codechef.

HavokSahil commented 7 months ago

@re4lvanshsingh all issued have been taken care off. I have even included a dataset with more than 400 points. Please review and inform me if further modification is needed.

re4lvanshsingh commented 7 months ago

@HavokSahil Great Work. Merged. Would update the points in a short while.