reTHINK-project / core-framework

The main goal of WP3 is to provide the reTHINK core framework comprised by the runtime environment where Hyperties are executed and the messaging nodes used to support messages exchange between Hyperties.
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Innovation Questionnaire #182

Closed pchainho closed 7 years ago

pchainho commented 7 years ago

The PO asked us to fill in the Innovation Questionnaire with up to 3 innovations. See below for further information:

DG CONNECT is undertaking a new initiative - the Innovation Radar - to collect structured data about the innovation profile of our projects. The goal of this is to identify high potential innovators and innovations within EU funded research projects and to identify their specific "go to market" needs. The Innovation Radar wants to achieve this objective by making use of innovation / market experts in annual project reviews that discuss/challenge/understand the innovation aspects and strategies of a project and its individual partners while helping them define the best innovation path to be followed. > > The output of this exchange will be captured via structured data entered in a web form, including "go to market" needs of partners with innovation potential. With this information we plan to match high potential innovators / innovations in projects with targeted and relevant support that can increase their potential to deliver impact in the market place. The data will be collected during project reviews with the support of an innovation expert assigned to the panel. This will mean that the review panel at your next project review will answer a set of structured questions on innovation for the project and ensure the answers are encoded in a database, via a web form made available to the reviewers (one reviewer will encode the answers). I attach the questions that should be answered (See document enclosed). I take this opportunity to stress that the existing review procedures prevail. The key points to be aware of are the following: • The project does not need to prepare any additional deliverables or reports than have currently been foreseen in their Technical Annex. • The project completes the questionnaire in a Word document version before the review meeting. The answers provided by the consortium are then validated by the innovation expert, with the other members of the panel review, on the day of the review meeting. The final answers reflecting the expert's judgment will be entered into the web-form version of the questionnaire by the innovation expert. • The answers to the innovation questions will not influence the panel's overall conclusion concerning the contractual obligations of the partners as described in the Description of Work. The innovation questions are primarily a vehicle to secure data about the innovation profile of our projects. • The data collected by the innovation questions will be used to identify high potential innovators and innovation opportunities in projects. The EC plans to see how it can guide such innovators to support the achievement of their innovation potential and accelerate to market. • The assigned innovation expert in the panel will provide target expert recommendations regarding innovation strategies for the project and its partners. • It is expected that much of a "normal" review already addresses points that will allow many (if not most) of the innovation questions to be answered. What changes compared to the past is that these answers will be captured in a structured data form (compared to an unstructured review report). Please send us the completed Word questionnaire no later than four weeks before the review meeting. Should the project have not been intended to provide "go to market" innovations as outlined above then please submit the questionnaire with 'Not Applicable' as answer to question "Describe the innovation" (including a brief explanation).

pchainho commented 7 years ago

From the Core Framework I would propose two innovations:

WP4 will also contribute with the Identity / Trust framework innovation

It should be noted the Messaging Framework can be used independently of the Hyperty service framework and the Trust framework, while the Hyperty service framework depends on the messaging framework and on the Trust framework.

Anything regarding the QoS? @sbecot ? @epaillet ?

pchainho commented 7 years ago

Just filled in with hyperty service framework innovation (merge of messaging and service framework to be able to include qos and id management)