reTHINK-project / dev-registry-global

Global Registry
Apache License 2.0
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Data timeout #3

Closed rjflp closed 7 years ago

rjflp commented 8 years ago

In a large database like the one we are about to create, data usually as an expiration date. This prevents the database size from continuously increasing if we fail do delete old data. This is usually referred to as "soft-state": data has to be periodically republished to prevent it from disappearing.

In our usage scenario, we cannot have an expiration period of only a few hours. But we should consider using an expiration period, even if it is of years. Perhaps the expiration date could be set by the publisher of the entry, with a maximum period enforced.

rjflp commented 8 years ago

If we allow objects to remain stored forever, the DHT will grow unbound in size. However, given that the private key required for updating the DHT must be kept secret, using it often may reduce its safety and is not convenient.

I currently see 3 possibilities:

sgoendoer commented 8 years ago

I think - as discussed in the telephone conference - that the third option would be the best choice.

What we must avoid is a scenario where someone could "take over" an identity of a person by - accidentally or intentionally - creating the same GUID